
  • We welcome into our fellowship all born again believers who are sound in doctrine and godly life.  

  • We baptize believers by immersion as commanded by the Lord.

  • We celebrate the Lord’s Supper on the first day of each week in remembrance of the Lord.

  • We preach the gospel of the grace of God.

  • We meet together for fellowship, prayer, and study of the Holy Scriptures.

  • We recognize the Lordship of Christ in all our gatherings, the liberty of the Spirit, the priesthood of all believers, and the diversity of spiritual gifts.

  • We recognize the plurality of elders as the spiritual under shepherds of the church.

  • We support the work of the church and contribute to the Lord’s work both at home and abroad through the free will offerings of the Lord’s people.

♦  Sunday  ♦

The Lord's Supper
9:30 am

10:30 am
* refreshments served

Family Bible Hour
11:00 am
* Children's Sunday School offered ages 3 - 13

♦  Wednesday  ♦

Bible Study
7:00 pm